Saturday, October 20, 2007

My first Term is over now........

Hi friends.......I am writing this post after a week.....
I was busy in my first module end term examination.My quiz paper gone good but my MGPT is not cleared.This module contained four subject : (i)OOPJ(object oriented programming in java), (ii) DSAL (data structure and alogorithm)(iii)MFCS(mathematical foundation of computer science),(iv)TCOM (technical communication). All subject taught us by knowledgeable person.Two of four subject DSAL and MFCS I had studied in my engineering, but here I learned some new thing in that subject two subject was almost new for me. So I did hard work to learn that subjects but I have to do more effort in coming future also.I got always full support from our faculty.When I got difficulty I asked from faculty and got answer in quick reply.....One true and important fact for my life I learned here is : In professional life do not depend on other, always try to solve problem yourself.....And in CDAC-B faculty follow this rule strictly to make better professional....................In this module I liked the way of teaching of some faculty member such as RKVS Raman (DSAL), Sawani Bade (TCOM), Jiji Angel (Theory of Computation), Balaji R(oopj)..........Before joining the CDAC-B my English was very week but after attending some lecture of TCOM I got success to improve my communication skill. Here I would like to mention that I did not got 100% success but I got it to some extant and now it is improving.And for all this success
I would like to thanks to Sawani Madam, because she help me lots. when I approached to her with some problem she clerify my question with good example....When I consulted to madam for taking some suggestion about how to prepare for Interview of DRDO, she helped me.....TCOM is one of very helpful subject for making career in software industry because most of student's studied here has poor technical communication skill and I one of them.So,TCOM gives a chance to improve communication skill
before joined industry......In this module I expect good marks in all paper because my all test was good except TCOM because I have done one mistake and got punishment in form of lose one blog evalution. So, I expect I'll just pass the TCOM .But in rest of paper I was honest.In 10 MGPA I have only attend 8 MGPA and cleared 6MGPA.This is not very good performance by me.It's just satisfactory for me.I have to clear one more MGPA but because I had not implemented Graph in java.So, last MGPA I have not cleared.................On 18th October I had MGPT.In that MGPT I tried to solve only one question which is from Graph.In that question I have to find shortest path and count number of hope comes in path.I had written code for that and implemented in lab.When I submitted that program in PARISHAK I got 3 Y and 2 X. I was very happy because I thought I 'll cleared this MGPT but after that when I started to find cause of 2 X, I was depressed with time.And finally I got 4 Y and 1 X and time was over.So, my MGPT not cleared.......I am trying till today why my code given one X .I found that when only two node is given as input my code giving 0 as output but the correct output is 1.If I got this error at that time I was cleared my MGPT .But time is gone and never returned. So, I promised to myself in next MGPT I'll think on all possibility for problem ....................