Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Quarter-Life Crisis

Read it, if you feel loneliness...may be it will help you to understand you mid 30's problem !!


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ubuntu Login problem using GUI interface

I have been coming around with this problem from long time and there is no fixed or predefined solution for this. May be its there but its not in my knowledge. Every time I found different reason of this problem and fixed it. So thought to write some of those issue here and there solution.
Since you are not able to login through GUI but you can still login using terminal. Press & [F1-F6] to get terminal and press to get GUI window.
Now here is different issues:

1. Permission of file "/home/user/.ICEAuthority & /home/user/.Xauthority" might have changed. You check file permission using "ls -la ". If write permission is not given to user then change permission to particular user.
Other thing you can do is "sudo chown user.user /home/ -R"

2. Check if "/tmp" directory permission has changed to root only. If read only then changed it to 777.

3. you can try to run this command "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" on terminal. After that run "sudo gdm" and you will get GUI interface to login. Provide user information and login and if you get success then restart the system. Now you can do normal login. some time it works fine for me!!

some other problems are also there but i m not sure whether they are related to above said problem or not. So I am skipping those issue, may be I'll write later :)

PS: all above solution are hit & trial solution based on what problem I have faced.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

upgrading Ubuntu to new release (9.10 to 10.04)

I am fan of Linux basically Fedora and Ubuntu. Ubuntu community has done a very good job for upgrading Ubuntu. If you want to upgrading your Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04, you can do it in few steps.
Open a terminal and follow the following steps:
1. sudo apt-get update
2. sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
3. check : /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and see if Prompt=normal is there. If not edit the file and set Prompt=normal
4. sudo do-release-upgrade
PS: you should have good internet connection to upgrade your system using above steps.

For upgrading from ubuntu cd : read here

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Confused & Idiotic feeling

What do you feel when you know the problem and not able to solve it ?? I am not talking about research problem but about personal problem. That situation reminds me only one thing -- Life sucks !!
Hope it will get over soon and i'll start again feeling life in better view :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Writing CD/DVD ISO file using cdrecord on Linux Machine

Many of us are used to use propriety software for burning CD/DVD with Windows machine. For burning software like Nero, etc. people are spending hundred of Dollars($). But same thing you can do on Linux free of cost. You can either use GUI package like K3B or command line cdrecord. I tried both but cdrecord makes me more comfort.
Here is the command by using you can burn CD/DVD.

# cdrecord -v -dao speed=4 dev=/dev/cd /path/to/Fedora-13-i386-CD.iso

# cdrecord -v -dao speed=4 dev=/dev/cdrw /path/to/Fedora-13-i386-CD.iso

# cdrecord -v -dao speed=4 dev=/dev/dvd /path/to/Fedora-13-i386-DVD.iso

# cdrecord -v -dao speed=4 dev=/dev/dvdrw /path/to/Fedora-13-i386-DVD.iso

Check the different options which is used in above commands:

-v - turns on verbose mode.

-dao - puts us in Disc At Once mode. Since you're burning an ISO image here, you don't want to add any more data later in a future 'session', so you can just instruct cdrecord to put it in one session and finalise the disc.

speed=4 - you keep the burning speed down as it is more likely to burn properly and not fail. You can experiment with higher speeds if you want, but don't go higher than either your media or burner state they can do (and do

dev=/dev/dvd - this is the device node for your DVD drive. It's usually safe to put /dev/dvd here, but if that doesn't work, you may need to use /dev/cdrom or something else.

Finally, specify the path to the ISO image you want to burn.

Enjoy !!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Read your email on Gmail in your own language using Google Translator(Lab product)

I found very nice thing to share with you guys. I found very good google lab product "Google Translator" for gmail. Its very interesting to translate your emails into your own favorite language. However i checked this lab service on Google chrome on fedora 10 machine but hoping it will work fine for other also. Here is small conversion of email :
chk त्रुटि: 

निर्धारित एक नया 'डोमेन घ' 
BuildNetwork बुलाया 

################ बनाएँ डेटा नोड ################### के लिए फ़ाइल 

पिछले पढ़ें सूचकांक: 0 
# # # # में आवागमन फाइल विवरण ##### 

नोड संख्या दर्ज करें, और लिंक-नंबर: 
# # # # बाहर आवागमन फाइल विवरण ##### 

नोड संख्या दर्ज करें, और लिंक-नंबर: 
नोड संख्या दर्ज करें, और लिंक-नंबर: 
नोड संख्या दर्ज करें, और लिंक-नंबर: 
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: string सीमा से बाहर सूचकांक: -1 
( 1949 java.lang.String.substring पर) 
BBN.StructureLearn.createHuginInputFile पर ( 234) 
COM.hugin.HAPI.ExceptionIO: एक घातक त्रुटि एक इनपुट या उत्पादन आपरेशन के दौरान हुई. यह एक के लिए एक निर्दिष्ट फ़ाइल को खोलने विफलता, एक को गलत अनुमति, एक की वजह से आपरेशन लिखने के दौरान एक विफलता के कारण फ़ाइल बनाने के असफल हो सकता है डिस्क चल भरा, आदि 
COM.hugin.HAPI.ExceptionHugin.throwException पर ( 81) 
COM.hugin.HAPI.Domain.parseCase पर ( 1382) 
निर्माण सफल (कुल समय: 0 सेकंड) 

There is small error still existing but once the product will get stability, it will be minor. So, if you like please try out :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy new year 2010 :)

Happy new year 2010 :)
I had good vacation at home in December. This was my second visit to home after 10 month since I have visited my home last time.
Hope for good year for me and my career.