Saturday, October 20, 2007

My first Term is over now........

Hi friends.......I am writing this post after a week.....
I was busy in my first module end term examination.My quiz paper gone good but my MGPT is not cleared.This module contained four subject : (i)OOPJ(object oriented programming in java), (ii) DSAL (data structure and alogorithm)(iii)MFCS(mathematical foundation of computer science),(iv)TCOM (technical communication). All subject taught us by knowledgeable person.Two of four subject DSAL and MFCS I had studied in my engineering, but here I learned some new thing in that subject two subject was almost new for me. So I did hard work to learn that subjects but I have to do more effort in coming future also.I got always full support from our faculty.When I got difficulty I asked from faculty and got answer in quick reply.....One true and important fact for my life I learned here is : In professional life do not depend on other, always try to solve problem yourself.....And in CDAC-B faculty follow this rule strictly to make better professional....................In this module I liked the way of teaching of some faculty member such as RKVS Raman (DSAL), Sawani Bade (TCOM), Jiji Angel (Theory of Computation), Balaji R(oopj)..........Before joining the CDAC-B my English was very week but after attending some lecture of TCOM I got success to improve my communication skill. Here I would like to mention that I did not got 100% success but I got it to some extant and now it is improving.And for all this success
I would like to thanks to Sawani Madam, because she help me lots. when I approached to her with some problem she clerify my question with good example....When I consulted to madam for taking some suggestion about how to prepare for Interview of DRDO, she helped me.....TCOM is one of very helpful subject for making career in software industry because most of student's studied here has poor technical communication skill and I one of them.So,TCOM gives a chance to improve communication skill
before joined industry......In this module I expect good marks in all paper because my all test was good except TCOM because I have done one mistake and got punishment in form of lose one blog evalution. So, I expect I'll just pass the TCOM .But in rest of paper I was honest.In 10 MGPA I have only attend 8 MGPA and cleared 6MGPA.This is not very good performance by me.It's just satisfactory for me.I have to clear one more MGPA but because I had not implemented Graph in java.So, last MGPA I have not cleared.................On 18th October I had MGPT.In that MGPT I tried to solve only one question which is from Graph.In that question I have to find shortest path and count number of hope comes in path.I had written code for that and implemented in lab.When I submitted that program in PARISHAK I got 3 Y and 2 X. I was very happy because I thought I 'll cleared this MGPT but after that when I started to find cause of 2 X, I was depressed with time.And finally I got 4 Y and 1 X and time was over.So, my MGPT not cleared.......I am trying till today why my code given one X .I found that when only two node is given as input my code giving 0 as output but the correct output is 1.If I got this error at that time I was cleared my MGPT .But time is gone and never returned. So, I promised to myself in next MGPT I'll think on all possibility for problem ....................

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Personel Interview.........

Hi friends....
Today we had TCOM session.In that session Madam taught us
how to face personal interview.There we discuss lots of question regarding interview.I learned lots of thing about communication, skill, attitude, aptitude, etc.The first question is why company taking interview while they may be choose his candidates by written test.They make lots of effort towards taking interview ?According to me company searching good candidate for his organisation.If company choose their candidate by simply written test their is no doubt candidate which selected is good in knowledge. But is it possible that they all are also good in communication, judgement, interested in company, etc...For example if a candidate is not interested in that organisation for which he selected and he joined company for sake of job.After some time that candidate joined another company.Then first company will be go into loss, because he didn't not check candidate attitude towards his company.sometime other difficulties are also possible.So, company taking personal interviews to judge candidate attitude, aptitude, goal of his life.candidate is interested in his organisation or not.It is very important for company to choose good candidates because they all going to be a part of company and company's reputation is directly depends on those candidate.The product's quality which company delivered, customer satisfaction etc. directly influenced by employees of company.
Now I am coming on how to face interview........
I learned today's session how to face interview.The first work we must do is to clearly judge what we want to do. Set goal and then proceed.We must clear idea about the job we are applying for. Because if interviewer judge that this person is not interested in our company then they will be reject that candidate. One thing we have to must remember that every man getting chance to do something better but he missed that chance and waiting for another chance. And waiting for ever....If we really want to do then we ready to catch the chance.When we get chance change to it opportunity. Its very important that attitude must be positive. Positive attitude gives strength to give answer during interview.One another important thing I learn that before giving answer of any question think for moment.
Its give positive response to interviewer and it also provide self
confidence to give answer. Some time interviewer ask question from different pattern so we careful to give all those questions answer because interviewer motive to judge your aptitude skill and your response towards unexpected question. So before attending interview work on attitude, field of interest, communication skills, interpersonal skills,confidence, problem solving skills, self motivation....Some of general question on which we should must prepare like- tell me about your self ?, What you want to do in your life,what your greatest strength, what your weekness ?, How do you good for this job ?, etc... I learned that main factors for failure in interview is as candidates behaviour during interview like excitement or nervousness, lack of concentration, lack of confidence, lack of subject knoweldge. In last failure is not end of career. If we get failure in interview try to remove weekness and improve skills. Hard work is last option to get success.....

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Graph theory.........

Hi friends.....
Today I am going to one of interesting topic of DSAL "GRAPH".
graph have been used in a wide variety of applications. Some of applications are computer network,the analysis of electrical circuits, finding shortest routes, project planning,identification
of chemical compounds, statistical mechanics, genetics,cybernetics, linguistics, and so on. WWW is good example of directed graph.

:> Graph can be defined as : A graph G consists of two sets V and E. The set v is finite,non-empty set of vertices. The set E is a set of pairs of vertices, these pairs are called edges. the notation we generally used for graph is G=(V,E).
The advantage of graph over other data structure is that it can represent different types of relationships, whereas tree can represent hierarchical types of relationship only. So, we can say that tree is a special case of graph.

:> Directed graph :
In directed graph each edge is represented by a directed pair(e1,r2) where e1 is tail and e2 is head. In directed graph (e1,e2) and (e2,e1) represents two different edges.

:> Undirected graph :
In undirected graph each edge is represented by same way as directed graph except here (e1,e2) and (e2,e1) represent same edge.

:> Path in a graph :
A path from any vertex U to vertex V is set of edges and vertices.

:> Cycle in a graph :
A cycle is a simple path in which source node and destination node are same.

:> Weighted graph :
In weighted graph each edge is assigned a value w(e) called weight or length of V. the weight of a path is sum of the weight of the edges in the path.

:> Graph representation :
Although several representation for graph are possible according
to nature of graph. But I am discussing only two representation

1> Adjacency matrix.
2> Adjacency List.

> Adjacency matrix : In adjacency matrix we represent graph by
nxn matrix. Say i and j are vertices then if there is edge between
i and j, put 1 in matrix at position (i,j) otherwise 0.
1 2 3 4
1| 0 1 1 1
2| 1 0 1 1
3| 1 1 0 1
4| 1 1 1 0
Important note : For undirected graph the degree of any vertex i is sum of row. For directed graph the row sum is the out degree and column sum is the in-degree.

> Adjacency List : In this representation of graph, the n rows
of the adjacency matrix are represented as n linked lists.there
is one list for each vertex in G. Each node of the list, may store
a reference to the vertex corresponding to the end point of the edge.

>Graph Traversal :
There are two methods are available for graph traversal :
i)DFS (depth first search).
ii) BFS (Breadth first search ).
In DFS we visit child node first.
In BFS we visit same lavel node first then child node.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Common Errors during JAVA programing..........

Hi friends........
I have completed about one and half month at CDAC-B. In all those days I have done lot of programming in JAVA and DATA-STRUCTURE. During programming I found lots of compile time and run time errors. Because I was not familier with Java, so I was facing lot of difficulty during my initial days.Whenever I was getting an error I tried to solve by one of my friends. Today I want to discuss some common errors which I did all the times.
> 1 : Compile-time errors.......
During compilation compiler only checked syntax error. Compiler does not find the logical error.Compiler generate error massage for small mistake like semicolon,braces mismatch, checking int value in "IF" condition instead of boolean value, unbalanced parentheses, unclosed literals, illegal start of expression, not a statement, misspelling "else", cannot find symbol, is already defind, array required but....found, variable.....might not have been initialized, be applied to..., operator.... cannot be applied to....., possible loss of precision, incompatible types, inconvertible types, missing return statement.., missing return value, cannot return a value from method whose return type is void, invalid method declaration....return type required, unreachable statement,non-static variable.....cannot be referenced from a static context, non-static method...cannot be referenced from a static contextm,
It's a long list of compiler errors which I got most of time. I am
giving some example which generated compiler error.
:> class ClassName{
void f(){
int n=10;
// Error, closing brace is missing
void g(){
int m=20;
:> if(i > j // error, unclosed parentheses
max = i // error, missing semicolon
:> String myString=
" This is My First Java Programm "+
" and I got compilation error; // error, unclosed literal
:> int max;
max; // error, missing =
:> if( i > j)
max = i;
els // error, else not spelled correctly
max = j;
:> boolean b=true;
int x = (int) b; // error, can't convert bpplean to int

> 2 : Runtime Errors......
When the JAVA interpreter encounters an error during runtime it throws an exception and prints a stack trace showing the call stack -the list of methods called from the main program untill the statement that caused the exception.
I am taking an example to clear concept....
:> class RunTimeTest{
public static void main(String arg[]){
String s = "Hello World";
Generated Error as:
Exception in thread "main"
String index out of range: 12
at java.lang.String.substring(Unknown source)
at RunTimeTest.main(

other kind of runtime errors might also be possible are as....
> out of range :
> ArrayIndexOutOfRange
> StringIndexOutOfRange
> NullPointerException
> InputMismatchException
> IllegalFormatException
> NumberFormatException
> ArithmeticException : This exception will generate if we
divide any no. by Zero(0).
> outOfMemoryError
> StackOverFlowArea
> During execution of program sometimes we got error like
this : NoClassDefFoundError
> NoSuchMethodFoundError : main
this error is generated when we forget to write
public with main i.e.
void main(String arg[]){.....}

> 3 : Assignment and Equality......

> String equality
sometimes we forget to compared string with method "equals".
> Assignment of references ....
one important thing about assignment of references is
when we assign references it only assign reference not the content of object.

These are some common errors which I noticed from when I started programing in java.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tell me about yourself ?........ all ......
Today I want to share my thinking about how to present yourself in interview. I have been working on this Question for one week.Since my MGPA was sheduled on today so I was busy in preparation of DSAL assignment.Now I am free to write blog.So I am writng blog. When I was started thinking on this question first of all I consulted our TCOM faculty Sawani Bade. She told me first of all you think yourself when you were interviewer what you wants from candidates. So I thought two days what attribute a condidate must contain. I listed all those attribute
which come in mind.

The list are as -----------
> 1 : Communication skill.
> 2 : Expression Power.
> 3 : Self Confidence.
> 4 : Intelligence.
> 5 : Knowledge of Field.
> 6 : Imagination power.
> 7 : Discipline.

Another attribute is also possible.But I have got only those I have listed here. It takes approx three days to list. After that I started work on first attribute. I am doing all these thing because I have cleared written examination of DRDO and I have to give interview in last week of October as I written in my earlier blog. For increasing my communication skills I started reading news paper loudly. And at the time of reading I am also looking sentence formation. After that I meet to Sawni madam to know my another step. She given me a task to identify 3-5 different achievements/things/ qualities of my life which feel me proud and I would like to tell to the interviewers.

Now I going to complete this blog with giving answer of above question. I have started my study from Government primary school. Since my childhood I am very aggressive towards study.
I always got first or second position in my class. Even during Engineering I got two times second position during first and third year and got one time first position during second year. I was good player of Cricket till school. After 10th I haven't got much time for playing any game. I got 92 percentile in C language in CST-2007.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bell for MGPT && QUIZZES start ringing.............

Hi friends....... I am talking about coming term end quizzes and MGPT 1. When I joined the CDAC-B i heared about MGPA and MGPT almost from everybody. But I tell you it is all about concept. If any one has full concept regarding topic then it is easy to clear the MGPA or MGPT. Its all depands on the approach which we mainly used in solving the problem. If any one started with wrong approach or lengthy process then it becomes difficult to clear MGPT or MGPA. If approach were wrong then we have not enough time to go through another approach. Our program is tested by software which is made by CDAC named " PARISHAK ".We have to submit our program to parishak and in parishak our program is tested by some predefined Input and output.The input which is used in parishak is boudary value and negative value. So, good logic is first requirement of MGPT or MGPA.
I have completed 6 MGPA out of 7 and one DSAL MGPA shall remain which sheduled on 3'rd october.I will try my best to clear that MGPA. After that I have term end quizzes and MGPT. For clearing all four quizzes I have to go through whole syllabus. One of most difficult subject for me is TCOM, because i came from hindi medium. My mother language is HIndi. My english is always week. Why it is week ? I think because of lack of my interest in english or because of ignorance its importance. I never think about my performance will in TCOM like this. After the joning CDAC I concentrated on my english. But improvement is not as I expected,but improving. One of great thing is happend after started writing blogs my vocabulary is growing........
In DSAL lecture is almost finished.Only GRAPH 2 is remains. I am lucky because I have found RAMAN sir like professor. I have studied DSAL before also, but the way sir taught us is very impressive. Every thing make understand by real life example
is one important thing which I like most. In OOPJ also all lecture is finished. Only one session is remains which is scheduled tomorrow morning session. In MFCS only probability and statistics is remains. In MFCS three test held and two remains.
In TCOM one blog evaluation is done and four remains. I am trying to do best because I have already loose one evaluation just because for hurry and then all thing go down......

QUEZZES && MGPT ......... 15 oct ------ 18 oct............

Thursday, September 27, 2007

One of happiest day of my Life....

yesterday was one of happiest day of my Life. yesterday DRDO SET07 result came out and I got selected for interview.DRDO is one of Indian organization on which we can proud as Indian. DRDO is very active org. in research and development for defence.It was great moment for me because I got a chance to become a part of Indian defence .This examination was for post of Scientist in DRDO. It was held on 2 September. I was not fully satisfied with my performance in that examination because I had solved only 128 question out 150.I was not fully sured that i will selected for interview. In that exam about 15 question were asked form Automata theory and about 12 from compiler design and other from OS,comp. network, C,etc.I had solved only 11 question from automata theory and 9 question from compiler design.It was good for me because Automata is one of my favorite paper.It was heppen because I have not got much time to revise all these paper before examination.But I am satisfied from my performance in aptitude and reasoning section because I had solved 45 question from 50 question.Rest 5 question were asked from general knowledge like "Agni"is which kind of missile.I tried but i was not sure.So, I leave that.
Now I am thinking about DRDO interview.This will be my first interview in my life.Now I am very exited to clear interview.For clear interview I have to revise all my branch paper before interview.But it seems very tough because along with lecture, MGPA and coming term end quizzes . But I am trying to see all important topic at once in free time.Interview date is not announced yet now. It might be scheduled in October month.However selection will depends on my performance in interview.I think it will be good. Hard work is first step towards success. so, I hope.....I will do that...after all I am praying to god for my performance in interview.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Magic of men in Blue......

yes, this is magic of Indian cricket team who is doing magic after magic.I am very happy because Indian cricket team reached final. We could say its outstanding performance.After India lost NatWest series ,its good come back with full-fledged.It was superb match between India and Australia.And all previous match.Also the match between India and Pakistan was very interesting match.In that match India almost lost that match, but it was luck of India who win after tie.Its possible because of new rule of T20 cricket version.In semifinal Indian batsman done superb batting specially Yuvraj singh. On 24th September the Final match is scheduled between India and Pakistan. Today is 25th September and one great thing happened India on the T20 world cup.Its really great news.After 1983 India won the world cup title.Its doesn't matter this T20 world cup because all the leading team participated in tournament. The final match was very exciting match not because of both team are neighbours to each other but this was first world cup of second version of one day match(T20).In that match India had scored 157-5 and Pakistan has to score 158 in 20 over.But Pakistan not scored that score and all out in 19.3 over at score 152.So, India win by 5 runs and won also the title. What a game that has been. After the catch taken by RP singh whole Indian supporter erupts as the Indian support staff.The Indian players do a lap of honour as the Indian flags in the stand are waved.One thing which i would like to mention here is Dhoni gives his shirt away to a young fan and is walking around bare-chested as Malcolm Speed, the ICC chief executive, comes around to offer his congratulations. The celebrations are still on because its India's win. Its great achievement specially for Dhoni because he made captain of Indian cricket team first time and first tournament for him as a captain. Good luck Mahi..... for home series against Australia.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Magic of men in Blue......

yes, this is magic of Indian cricket team who is doing magic after magic. I am very happy because Indian cricket team reached final.We could say its outstanding performance.After India lost NatWest series ,its good come back with full-fledged.It was superb match between India and Australia.And all previous match.Also the match between India and Pakistan was very interesting match.In that match India almost lost that match, but it was luck of India who win after tie.Its possible because of new rule of T20 cricket version.In semifinal Indian batsman done superb batting specially Yuvraj singh.
On 24th September the Final match is scheduled between India and Pakistan.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I attend my first seminar at CDAC on RST...

It was 21'st September.On that day Sawni madam had given presentation on RST(Rhethorical structure theory). In that presentation student of NCST was not allowed to attend. But after request to admin. we were allowed to attend that seminar.When I entered in hall all staff were on there sit and concentrated on presentation.After got a sit in hall, I concentrated on presentation.Since I was not familiar with the topic of presentation,try to understand what is RST. The way madam presenting the topic was superb. It was great opurtuinity for me to learn lots of thing there. First of all I learned what is the correct way of presentation. How to analyze any thing and make understandable to other. I learned what is RS theory. It is such a nice subject and need more research on it. I don't know any thing about it before attend the seminar. After the seminar, now I am able to share some idea about RS theory.
RST is firstly given by William C.Mann and Sandra A.Thompson of university of southern california.Rhethorical structure theory is a theory of Text Organization. That means the text we write are related in some manner. And in RST we finding that relation. RST identifies heirarchic structure in text.It describes the relation between text parts in fuctional terms, identifying both the transition point of relation and the extent of the items related. There are lots of experiment are going on RST around the world. CDAC is one of them. When we find some relation between text then we able to use that relation in various making auto summarization tool. Infect these are the areas of RST application. `One important thing about RST theory is that RST theory is not language dependent but area of implementation may be language dependent.We can easily see the use of RST in web browser where it is present in form of plug In.
link : RST.....

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Punishment for making impression

yes, it was really all about to making impression to my TCOM (Technical Communication)faculty. It was previous week when i did mistake.You thinking what kind of mistake i did.The mistake i did is i copied one of my blog from other's blog. It is reallydisgusting work.But the question is why i did this kind of mistake.Actually what happened previous week, our CDAC GNYAN server went out for one day and night. So,we were not able to access Internet.Our assignment of TCOM is to post two blog every week.And every Monday is evaluation day.So,i think why not copy and post in my blog before disconnecting Internet.That's why i could makeimpression to my TCOM faculty.
But i never think about my coming day. It was 20th September,our Blog evaluation result published on notice board.I was very happy on that day because i cleared my four MGPA out five MGPA. I went for relaxed in my room after MGPA. One of my friend informed me TCOM evaluation result is published. I run towards notice board, but after saw result i got frustration.I was fail in that evaluation. It was really very frustrating moment for me.I have nothing to do except accept the result.Because it was my mistake.I was lost every thing by my own.Then i decided no copy form others blog.What i know only that thing i will write in my blog with on time.So in future i will not lost more evaluation. One important thing all after what happen is my thinking is changed.I am really very thankful to my faculty member. If they don't fail me then i might again copy in future to post my blog in less time. One phrase in Hindi is very popular "Adami ko thokar lagti hai to hi sikhta hai " "Means man learn from life only after then fail in what they want to do". This is completely true to me. Because after what happen i had learn one thing if i want to learn something i have to do my own.One another thing is time. Be careful towards time. Because if you do any by your own but not on time then your all effort might be waste. So,do by your own and on time. This is all about i feeling after my TCOM result. I feel very sorry and sure about i will never do this kind of work in my future. I specialy thank's to Sawani madam who open my eye on time and remind what mistake i have done.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My school Days cont...

As i told you i started my study at govt. school.In my school total number of student studied approx 1000.My study never constant in one town. Because my father is a Bihar govt. employee. He got transfer after every one,two or three years.I stayed at various places in Bihar since my childhood. I saw many small or big forest during my child age because some times my father got transfer to tribal region. It was great fun to play in forest.I stayed in various places like Chandil, Manoharpur,Kharsawa, Munger,Sheikhpura,Bihar Sharif,Patna. I have done my High school education in Bihar Sharif. My 10+2 in Patna and also i done engineering in engg. from patna. Now i live in Bangalore and pursuing post graduate diploma in advance computing in CDAC-Bangalore.But the memories always fly back and hit in mind.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Who is Friend

With that FRIEND word, a very old proverb is associated and that is "A friend in need is a friend indeed", and I think that this is a very good technique to judge anyone that whether he or she is your friend or not. If someone is always with you in your good as well as bad days, that person is your true friend, and one can trust them.

Friendship is that relationship which is always precious to everyone. This is the only relationship which we choose on our own by interacting and judging the people.

Friend is that person to whome we can share everything, even all those talks which we cannot share with our parents too. Because the friend is the one who understands our feelings in our own ways.

Everyone needs a friend to talk, laugh and to share moments of joy and sorrow.

Discusses the meaning of friendship. Describes the importance of having cherished friends. Friends are the pearls of our life. This word bears its great meaning only to those who could understand the greatness of its meaning. Its some thing sacred, it needs to be cherished and build up for many years with much care.

A friend is friendly, happy, and playful, too. A friend doesn't yell at you. You play with each other all the time. You try not to fight with a friend. You help each other when you get hurt.

A friend is someone who goes with you in the good times and bad times.'Good friends are always by your side. When you're playing they don't walk away. They never fight with you because then they aren't your friend. If you don't have any friends then you aren't friendly. God bless, friends.

A friend is a person who comes and won't judge a flower by its color.
A person who will never give up on you.
A person who will comfort you when storms of tears are in your mind.
A person who will just have some fun with you and give you a good laugh.'
A person that doesn't mind expressing their happy or sad feelings to you.

A friend is someone you can depend on. Someone who you can talk to. A friend could be anything like a person, dog or cat. Whatever a friend is it doesn't matter as long as it's your friend. Many people don't know that. A friend is a friend and that's all that matters.

How to Make Birthdays Special

One of the most important dates to remember in a romantic relationship is the birthday of your significant other. This ranks up there with remembering your anniversary and Valentines Day. For your loved ones birthday, something besides a gift and a card is often appropriate. Many people take their girlfriends or boyfriends out to a birthday date or dinner. A birthday date is a great way to show the person you love that you are thinking of them, and that they are important enough to remember. But where do you take your loved one, you may ask. There are several different ideas, but there are also several factors to consider when making the decision of where to take your significant other. You must consider the his or her interests, and that everything is about your loved one on their birthday.

For one thing, whether you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend makes a difference in what type of activity you can plan for a birthday date. As everyone has already figured out, men and women are very different. We are different not just physically, but in many other aspects that have nothing to do with physical appearance as well. Things that a woman would like might totally bore a man, and the same is true of an opposite situation. This is definitely something you must take into consideration when planning a birthday date for your loved one. Choose something appropriate for your loved one, as men and women sometimes have very dissimilar tastes.

Another factor that must be taken into consideration before you plan a special occasion for your loved ones birthday celebration is your significant others unique interests. Besides the fact that men and women obviously differ in tastes and hobbies, the same can be said about differences in tastes between individual people. For example, many men like football, but some do not. If your man does not like football, it would not be very wise to get football tickets and take him to a football game for his birthday. Another example would be that many women love to dress up for a fancy dinner; some do not. Just make sure that your birthday date idea is unique to your girlfriend or boyfriends likes. The last thing you want your loved one to feel on this special occasion is that they are being pushed into doing something that they dislike or do not want to do.

One last thing to remember is that this birthday date has one purpose: to make sure your loved one knows how important they are to you. Do not get bogged down with a lot of tiny details that, in the end, are not going to mean a whole lot. Make sure everything that motivates you is the for the sole purpose and reason of making the person you care about happy and making them feel loved. There is no other reason for putting together such an elaborate occasion. If your loved one does not feel that you are sincere and motivated by love, your birthday celebration idea may fall short of their expectations.

No matter what you choose to do to celebrate the occasion of your loved ones birthday, always remember that the key to an enjoyable time is to be motivated by true care of someone. Many times, it is not the elaborateness of the plans, the money you spend, or what you buy as a gift that makes all the difference. Many times, what makes all the difference is the sincerity and thought that is put into the outing for your loved ones enjoyment.

Monday, September 10, 2007

First Day at CDAC(NCST) -B

It was the great moment for me to see my name in list of admission for FPGDST(Full Time Post Graduate Diploma in Software Technology) program of NCST.Currently, NCST is also known as C-DAC.But it is famous as NCST.
I knew very good thing about C-DAC. The work ranging from deciphering information from formatted hard-disk and to design and develop India's first Super Computer PARAM.Deciphering hard-disk information as in case of Indian doctors from Bangalore were targeted by some developed ountries.These medical professionals were held responsible for terrorist activities in the countries where they were working. Thiruvanantpuram C-DAC succeeded in deciphering the code. C-DAC handles various GOVT. projects ranging from defence to CBI and the information is very secret. I was very excited that I would be getting an opportunity to pursue my Post Graduate Diploma in such institution of well repute.
It was Saturday morning when I reached Bangalore city railway Station.It took one and half an hour to reach electronic city by auto.Finally, I reached at my destination NCST- Bangalore. At the entrance I put an entry in security's notebook. Security gaurd told me to proceed. While entering the NCST campus I was fascinated by aesthetics of the building. On the first day, C-DAc's green, beautiful, trapezoidal and large campus fascinated me a lot. First time in my life, I have ever seen such a green, well maintained campus of an educational as well as an R & D institute.
Since I joined course late my hostel allotment already finished.But I really very thank full to Mr. Mohammad who consider my request and allot me hostel.When i came NCST my room no is not confermed and security told me to wait till 9am in common room in hostel.I met few of the course students in the Common room . From other students I came to know about the welcome session. I heard from students that one has to burn the midnight oil to clear the course and fulfil the standards set by NCST. Also, one must be an avid programmer to clear MGPA's and MGPT's(Machine Grade Programming Tests).Meanwhile, we had a breakfast. It was puri and veg.Since that day office was no official came to that day,but security confermed to my room no. by make a call to Mr. Mohammad.After that i got room No f\7.when I entered into my room i saw one person is staying in that room.Who is my room mate vinod kumar.After fresh i go for lunch.Where I met some other students.Who told me some new thing about C-DAC.After the lunch i took rest in my room because i travelled three days on train. I was very tired.
In evening i had tea and then went to playground.After dinner,I sleeped.That was my first night at C-DAC.I enjoyed the very first day... at C-DAC. It was really a memorable and amazing day of my life........

Friday, September 7, 2007

My college Days

I have done my B.E. from Patna in August on this year.During processing to complete my B.E., i got admission in CDAC-Bangalore for Full-Time Post Graduate Diploma in Software Technolog(FPGDST).Because my final year examination was going on, i have missed some classes at CDAC-B.I came CDAC on 25th august.When i was started journey from patna on 22th august,all the way i missed my college and friend.What we did there everything remind. My all friends were come to see off me.I was nervous but not very much because this was the first time for me to go far distance place from home.I think it was my emotional feeling.This is truth of life to leave your home to grow your career.
When i reached CDAC-B my new life started.Here again i faced classes, lectures, assignments and tough weekend exams.B/z I have missed so many i have to complete all missed lectures and current lectures.During the covering all which i have missed my college again remind.The first thing that comes to my mind when I think back to my college days is what a great time we had.The mad rush to complete assignments on time, the hectic schedule of classes, the nervousness before presentations, the heavy discussions on different topics,the sleepless nights before exams, and the relief afterwards.We feel after exams that we got victory on any war and enjoyed very much and Yes! Sometimes cutting classes and going for a movie, and later being reprimanded for it! I could not have asked for a more complete college experience than the one I had at R.P.Sharma institute of Technology,Patna.There i had spent four years of my life.I have lots friends but all go different places for start their career.we all are missed one another.The only way to keep in touch are mobile and email.When we were in college, we had done lots of thing.

Monday, September 3, 2007

India @ 60 – The Challenges

I was born when independent India had just entered her teens and like the teenagers of today the world over, was struggling to come to terms with the pangs of growing up.

Life was much simpler then. Needs of the people were few and austerity was a way of life. We trusted our politicians and respected them. We were imbued with the fervour for equitable distribution of wealth and power. We were a young nation striving to stand on out two feet, proud to be free and confident that we could do it.

Sixty years after independence, India looks a different country. Confident, almost to the extent of being brash. Proud, in a very large measure. We’ve achieved much that we set out to do. But challenges remain. From aspiring to become a great nation at 60, we must transform ourselves into a great nation, at all levels, in the next 60 years.

Young in years

In three years’ time – 2010 – 54 per cent of our population will be 25-years-old. What a fantastic opportunity that will be for India in its 63rd year of freedom. If we could just tap into the potential of this young nation, harness the citizens’ energy, enthusiasm and abilities to the task of nation building.

This won’t be easy. Providing opportunities for this young workforce to be productive will require a huge job generation effort. Our GDP growth rate has been a robust 9 percent. Henceforth, the Indian economy will need to grow even faster, and for long years in a sustained manner.

Improve infrastructure

That will be possible only when our infrastructure improves qualitatively and quantitatively. Our roads and bridges will need to match the best in the world. Our railways, already putting up a good show, will need to change tracks to take inland travel to the next level. Our airports will need a complete makeover, not just a minor upgradation on the stinky and chaotic scene that greets one when going to catch a flight. This will need to happen not just in the metros, but in all busy locations, all over the country. Better connectivity will not just bring us closer. It will bring us closer to prosperity and progress.

Women power

Nearly half of our population consists of women and yet they are still some distance from attaining the respect and rights that should in theirs naturally. The birth of a girl child must be celebrated just as we celebrate the birth of a boy child. She must have the best of education possible and opportunities to give full flow to her creativity. Women have the right and must be given an equal share in power at all levels. If we ignore our women, we alienate half of our human resource.

Clean water

Millions of our citizens in rural and urban areas still struggle to find enough drinking water to slake their thirst, cook and clean every day. But we’re fast running out of fresh water sources. It has been predicted that the next big altercation among nations may happen because of water. Every Indian needs to understand the importance of conserving water. Indeed, it must become a national mission.

Nuclear power

No nation ever becomes great while remaining energy-deficient. India must plan and build to become energy surplus. Non-conventional sources of energy will need to be tapped but what could lead us on the way to energy self-sufficiency is nuclear energy.

The Indo-US civil nuclear deal could not have happened at a better time. This instrument of international energy cooperation must become India’s ticket to energy prosperity and therefore, economic development. Interestingly, this deal, when it comes into force, will run for 40 years. In 2047 India will celebrate its Independence centennial. An energy sufficient India will be a fitting gift on the one-hundredth anniversary of our independence.

Age of Asia

It is said that the 21st century is the Asian century. India must learn to look east and west to its Asian friends to exploit the opportunities that the Age of Asia will throw up. For long we’ve been tutored to look towards the western powers for help, influence and succor. We must now work with the rest of Asia to enjoy the fruits of the continents’ growing power and influence.

Inclusive Politics

We are world’s largest functioning democracy. But our politics is becoming increasingly attritional. We are at odds with each other’s opinions. It is no body’s case that dissent is not an integral part of democracy, but our politics and governance must become more inclusive for all round development. A society that does not encourage diversity of views runs the danger of turning into a totalitarian state.

Rule of Law

We must tirelessly build citizens’ faith in the rule of law. The rich and the powerful must not be allowed to twist the rules to their advantage and the detriment of the common people. We all remain equal before the law.

Our judiciary needs to find a way to deliver timely justice to all. The backlog of pending cases needs to be cleared at the earliest, for, justice delayed in many instances is justice denied.

Banish Corruption

Corruption is eating into our polity and society. Today, it is the single most important reason for people losing faith in the efficacy of our system. Though it may be a utopian thought to believe that one could root out all corruption from the system, but we must clamp down on it. The challenge is to find a way to make corruption unrewarding, a stigma for those who indulge in it.

Glory of Sports

Sports arenas are the new battlegrounds. We as a nation need to appreciate that we’ll gain respect in the comity of nations also when we do well in sports internationally. Mere participation in an event or competition gets you nothing except sympathy. Winning is everything and India must give a better account of itself in the international competitions that matter. The Olympics, World Cups and Asia Cups are another instrument of international influence, so we must go out and get it.

Greatness flows from self-belief, confidence and the ability to set goals and achieve them. India has had it pretty good in the last 60 years. The coming 60 years will show our future generations and the world whether we had it in us to be truly great.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

My school Days

Memories are like picture post cards which become yellow with time but still retain a familiar fragrance ..... that of warmth, love and nostalgia, which stays forever.....

When my memories fly back to the by gone era of the past, I see myself as a tiny toddler with a glowing smile and running towards my classroom. The hallowed portals, the sonorous assembly bell, the joyous chatter at school break, the chorus anthem, the exam phobia, the anticipation of results, the great moments with my teachers and finally the silent tears during my farewell are still freshly painted in the canvas of my psyche. My school days are replete with the naughty memories of the various pranks that I tried with my friends and miserably failed only to find myself standing on a bench and holding my ears in the classroom little did I realise that one day destiny will make me a teacher executing the same on my students.

Standing today and looking back through the mist of time, I see myself being groomed by the sincere efforts of my dear teacher, for a bigger school called 'life'. I wish that one day my students will realise the same.

Somebody once said 'life always comes to a full circle'. Well, it certainly does for a teacher.
Looking over my own school days, there are so many things that I would rather not tell, that it will take very little time and space for me to use in telling what I am willing that the carping public should know about my early history.

I began my educational career at goverment high school in small town. Finding that other great men had done that way, I began early to look around me for a log school house where I could begin in a small way to soak my system full of hard words and information.

For a time I learned very rapidly. Learning came to me with very little effort at first. I would read my lesson over once or twice and then take my place in the class. It never bothered me to recite my lesson and so I stood at the head of the class. I could stick my big toe through a knot-hole in the floor and work out the most difficult problem. This became at last a habit with me. With my knot-hole I was safe, without it I would hesitate.

There are other little incidents of my schooldays that come trooping up in my memory at this moment, but they were not startling in their nature. Mine is but the history of one who struggled on year after year, trying to do better, but most always failing to connect.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

How bad is brain drain for India?

According to wikipedia,
"A brain drain or human capital flight is an emigration of trained and talented individuals (”human capital“) to other nations or jurisdictions, due to conflicts, lack of opportunity, or health hazards where they are living."
And, as is clear from this definition, brain drain is a word with a bad connotation. So, it is no wonder that we hear our politicians, statesmen and intellectuals often mourning brain drain.

For example, here is the President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam on reversing brain drain:
President A P J Abdul Kalam today announced the government would encourage a ”reverse brain drain” to attract some of the brightest and talented children of India and ensure their return to their motherland.

Addressing a joint sitting of Parliament, he appealed to the overseas Indians to engage more actively in India’s development.

Indian students had little reason to learn computer coding before there was a software industry to employ them. But such an industry could not take root without computer engineers to man it. The dream of a job in Silicon Valley, however, was enough to lure many of India’s bright young things into coding, and that was enough to hatch an indigenous software industry where none existed before.

India’s valley-dwellers represent just one contingent in a much larger diaspora. According to the most exhaustive study of the brain drain, released last month by the World Bank, there were 1.04m Indian-born people, educated past secondary school, living in the 30 relatively rich countries of the OECD in 2000. (An unknown number of them acquired their education outside their country of birth, the report notes.) This largely successful diaspora is more than just something to envy and emulate. Its members can be a source of know-how and money, and provide valuable entrées into foreign markets and supply chains.

I know the brain drain is worse for a developing country like India.Actually I too feel that people should not go abroad but I know it is an emotional reaction. Every human being should have the freedom to better his life and in that sense he or she has a right to go. In any case most people will go if they find a better life there. I ofcourse feel that this better life is not worth it because of the fact that we are first class citizens here, not there, but then I have had this discussion so many times with my cousins and friends who have migrated, that I am almost convinced that its okay. They have made peace with it. I am not sure how, and I ofcourse doubt whether I can, but its very individual.
My soul lies here, my earth is here. I need to be one with my country.
And that is the point. For those who leave India and become citizens of another country, why should they remember India? If they become citizens of another country should they not be loyal to that country?


An average day in the life of a NCST-B Student

7:00 a.m. My alarm clock starts to ring and before I make out I switch it off

7:05 a.m. Another Alarm rings....again the unchanged result

7:30 a.m. Finally I give up...reluctantly roll out of my warm bed

7:35 a.m. The Newspaper is busy in catching up with the happenings

8:00 a.m. Start to get ready

8:30 a.m ....time for tea.

9:30 a.m Time to run to Mess....catch up my share of breakfast

9:55 a.m breakfast over and done with....

9:56 a.m Journey Towards the Lecture class (popularly LT) starts........

9:59 a.m Just in time....

10:00 a.m Classes Begin..

11.30 a.m break-time for tea.......

12:00 p.m Time to walk off the same worn paths again....

1.30 p.m time for have a lunch...

2.00 pm may be another session / go for lab session...

4:00 p.m Tea time...Tea joined with discussions ranging from India's Rising Fo rex
Reserve, ITeS and the latest in Hollywood flick

6:00 p.m Time to check and assignments....

7:30 p.m Dinner time.what's in the mess today..or should we move to
canteen ?

8:30 p.m back with the books and net surfing for the vital study resources
...a new release could anytime take away the charm of books ???

12:00 p.m Sufficient learning for today......What's the schedule inline for
tomorrow........get geared for that........lest thrown out of c lass

1:00 a.m Time to get to bed.........Good Night.In dreams we shall meet.

That was nothing but description of a normal day in the life of an FPGDST here.. .... Welcome to NCST-B

The days gone by...............the journey has just begun
At times one is intrigued. How could a one week stint make so much of a differen ce in one's life? And then you realize that it does. Everything one does contrib ute to what he is.

As I sit back to describe the life of a fpgdst student here at NCST-B, I clearly remember my first brush with the institute. The first time I entered this lush green campus. I had no idea whether I did in fact be able to make into it or not , but I definitely felt something special about the institute something captiva ting and captivating enough to make you feel like staying back here. And that something captivating is still there. by the way I have completed my first week here. When it comes to describing the institute....well, I actually don't know where to start from

Whether I should first describe the spectacular buildings here, or the beautiful green lawns, the marvelous rock garden or I should talk about the sheer length and breadth of the institutes Who would not want to be apart of the excellent Internet facilities here, with each student provided with computer terminal, the facilities accessible 24 hours, so if at one in the morning you have some idea to work on the Class assignments...labs are just a small walk away. And while wor king if you ever feel like having a break and would love to enjoy a cup of coffee the canteen is just at a walks length.

Going back to our initial days, I can visually recall my first meeting with those who were intended to be my future batchmates. We met during entrance examination, got a bit familiar with each others.Bingo! I was one of those lucky of the eighty-four people selected to the pioneer fpgdst batch of the CDAC-B.

All bags packed.we were in different city, the dreams appeared to be seen, an opportunity and the burning desire to realize those dreams started thumping hard. Surprisingly it took us no time being at ease with each other as we all shared the common goal.the goal to make a mark for ourselves in this competitive world.

Although it took the time but slowly we started to love our new life, all of a sudden the double holiday in a week was impatiently awaited the only day we could sleep for eight hours!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Google Announces Interactive Maps with HTML

Google maps chartered its path to first place in online maps with the release of embedded, interactive maps. The ability to embed Google maps into any webpage by copying and pasting some html, displaying your business location, the café your blogging from or where in the world your writing AC articles.
Until today you needed to apply for a special key from Google, called an api, then construct a map using JavaScript to display a Google map on the internet. While useful, these maps lack functionality, is aesthetically pleasing as a roll out classroom map and required a computer programmer to make it work.
Now, clicking 'link to this page' at Google Maps gives you the HTML you need, to embed the current map as an iframe in your web page. The embedded map will be fully interactive. You can drag and click or zoom in on a location, and view it in map, satellite, and hybrid mode.
According to the Google Press center "This new functionality enables Google Maps users to share and disseminate geographic information in the same way that YouTube users share videos."
Real world applications of an embedded Google map range from party directions to vacation planning. The average user can have their website visitors find their business from anywhere in the world, pinpoint cool landmarks around their homes, show people where to find fried chicken shacks around aunt molly's house, world is yours (literally) with this new upgrade.

Google Press Release:

Pratibha Patil- a Milestone in Indian Politics

Sixty years after gaining independence from British rule, India considered the world's largest democratic country - selected its first woman president in a landmark, if not somewhat controversial elections held last July 21, 2007.
Pratibha Patil won by as much as two-thirds of the votes from an electoral college comprised by members of the federal Parliament and state legislative bodies. The 72-year old lawyer and former governor of the northern state of Rajasthan was the candidate of the governing party and was reportedly handpicked personally by Congress leader Sonia Gandhi. She bested her rival opposition party Bharatiya Janata candidate, 84 year-old Bhairon Singh Shekhawat who was then India's incumbent Vice-President. Mrs. Patil was quoted as saying, "this is a victory for the principles which our Indian people uphold."
Although a historical moment in the annals of Indian governance, it is commonly viewed by analysts that the post of the president is by large a ceremonial title. Nevertheless, in a highly stratified society, where gender discrimination is deeply rooted in culture, Mrs. Patil's presidency still bears political significance especially among the women sector, which hopes that President Patil can make positive changes for India's disadvantaged women.
Pratibha Patil will hold her post as President of the Indian Republic for the next 5 years. Her duties include oversight functions as Head of State and the encompassing power to reform the government in the event of a hung Parliament. She will also be the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and the primary guardian of the Constitution.
She will succeed outgoing President Abdul Kalam who was regarded as the People's President during his term. Despite being a popular leader Mr. Kalam was denied a second 5-year term by Congress. He was a scientist who became a national hero for spearheading nuclear tests and helped in making India a nuclear power in 1988.
In contrast, Pratibha Patil was marred with bitter criticisms and mudslinging during the campaign period with the opposition throwing allegations of corruption and fraud against her. She was virtually unknown at the national level and its been said that she would not be nominated had it not been for the vote of confidence from the Gandhis who remain India's most powerful political family. There were questions of irregularities and nepotism with the documented closure of a women's cooperative bank she helped setup. Her detractors also brought to light criminal cases, one involving her brother and another with her husband, with the implication that she exerted political influence to protect them. Mrs. Patil was also referenced on being critical against the wearing of headscarves and veils for women, which did not please the Muslim community in India.
It remains to be seen whether India's first woman president will be able to perform as unbiased and non-partisan as the recent presidents before her, what with the perceived strong backing of the ruling coalition behind her momentous victory.